R(E)volution of Management…Facing the Challenges of World4.0    

“There’s a transformative shift in business, and what worked before is no longer an option. It’s time for evolved entrepreneurs, visionary creators, and changemakers to rewrite the rules of business for the 21st century.” Tony Hsieh, Founder, CEO Zappos   (Amazon owned), recognized uncoventional business strategist, Designer of Corporate  Happinness Culture                    Who’s Knocking?  Every morning [...]

2018-06-07T21:22:47+00:00June 7th, 2018|

I’m not getting educated for my future! Part I: What I Need to Thrive as a Leader

  This post reflects a conversation on preparing future leaders between a millennial student and a baby boomer leadership strategist. Their impressions and challenges are revealed below. Millennial Student speaks:  As a college student living in this increasingly VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous) age, I’m not getting educated for my future as a leader. Although [...]

2018-05-07T04:29:53+00:00May 7th, 2018|

Digital Transformation: 8 Changes to Rise Above the Herd

Digital transformation is a requirement for success in the VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous) world. 80+% of businesses (SMEs to multinationals from B2C to B2B) realize the strategic imperative of digital transformation. But, what happens when 7 out of 8 these businesses  attempted Digital Transformation?  Disaster! The simple fact is that 84% of companies fail at [...]

2018-04-04T13:19:23+00:00April 3rd, 2018|

Strategic Harmony… 21 Solutions to Our Shattered World

By Ira Kaufman and Velimir Srića Most people see the world as it is and get frustrated. We need people who see the world as it could be and get ready to change it! This paraphrase of a well-known quote is the reason why, for the last year or so, my fellow inspired Catalyzer and [...]

2018-04-01T20:03:14+00:00April 1st, 2018|

Digital Transformation in Pakistan

Digital Transformation in Pakistan My recent visit to Pakistan was both educational and inspiring. With Pakistan (rated 50 among 50 counties in terms of Digital Preparedness ) there was a thirst for this new approach to business and entrepreneurship. They sensed transformation was the direction but most were in the stage of adopting [...]

2018-01-18T14:07:34+00:00January 18th, 2018|

Embracing catalytic leadership in the digital marketplace

Jeanette Teh explores what embracing ‘digital’ actually means for companies in the current marketplace. Twenty years ago last month, Larry Page and Sergey Brin registered the Google domain name, a misspelling of the mathematical term of one followed by a hundred zeroes to denote the large quantities of data that it would handle. Renamed from [...]

2018-01-11T18:10:02+00:00January 11th, 2018|