Catalytic Mindset unlocks the leader’s changing mindset. It is transformed by the tension between  inner reflection (purpose, core values and open mindedness) and outer experience (organization culture).

Leader Mindset

(inner transformation)

Company/Organization Culture

(outer transformation)

Digital Transformation accelerates organizational change to actualize new models that leverage the networked marketplace.


Organization (internal)

Marketplace (external)

What will it take to manage disruption?

… Transformative Management

> Read the full article here.

> Discover the Transformative Management Platform.

Dual Velocity Transformation…

Organizations facing disruption have different strategic options. The velocity of change will reflect the organization’s maturity and complexity, leadership priority, competitive opportunity and resources. Here are two scenarios.

Integrated Transformation

Traditional organization: 12-24 months

Integrated Transformation
Integrated Transformation

Exponential Disruption

Startup/New Organization: 3-6 months

Exponential Disruption
Exponential Disruption

Integrated Digital
Marketing Platform

Our Integrated Digital Marketing Strategy brings a digital transformation process which assesses your market and develops your brand to target all client touch points. We design online environments and digital media strategies that incorporate your values and are culturally sensitive. They foster sustainable relationships with your client’s target markets.

We ensure that our clients are not leaving untapped opportunities on the table. Traditional advertising is inefficient and not cost effective, as potential clients are often not receiving the messages. We employ digital marketing to magnify your current advertising, communications, public relations, and online efforts. After we optimize your message and delivery, your company will realize noticeable ROI, loyal, engaged customers and employees and sustainable results.

Transformative Management Platform

Values Based, Impact Driven Modules

digital transformation process

Define and Establish

  1. Digital Marketing Lean Canvas
  2. Research
    • Product/Service Offering
    • Customer Segments
    • Competitive Analysis
    • Social Research/Monitoring
  3. Clarify Values
  4. Define Goals
  5. Shape Brand Message
    • Value Proposition
    • Remarkable Difference
    • Purposeful Branding
    • Brand Blueprint
  6. Establish Online Presence
    • Responsive Website
    • Social Channels

Convey and Promote

  1. Content Marketing
  2. Social Media Marketing
  3. Paid Social Promotion
  4. Search Engine Optimization
  5. Paid Search
  6. Digital Involvement Cycle Strategy
  7. Integrated Digital Marketing Table
  8. Integrated Media Marketing Messaging

Connect and Convert

  1. Location Marketing
    • Mobile Optimization
    • Social/Mobile Advertising
  2. Lead Nurturing
    • Email Marketing
  3. Lead Conversion
    • Social Customer Relationship Management

Measure and Refine

  1. Website Performance Management
  2. Social Performance Management
  3. Integrated Performance Management
  4. Monitoring and Measurement Analytics
  5. Digital Intelligence
  6. Sustainable Key Performance Indicators
  7. Digital Media Evaluation Matrix
  8. Return on Investment

Our Snapshot

  • Established 2006
  • Values-driven multi-generational team
  • Guides executives to become Puposeful Leaders
  • Drives Digital Transformation with sustainable outcomes

Our Credentials

Digital Marketing and Digital Transformation: Authors, Digital Marketing: Integrating Strategy and Tactics with Values

Leadership: Founders, Institute for Transformative Leadership, School of Business and Economics, Lynchburg College (Ranked 2nd in U.S., Leadership Development programs)

Innovation: Founders, ELITE (Excellence in Leadership, Innovation and Technology), partnering with European Academy of Arts and Sciences

Emotional Intelligence: EQ-i Certified Leader

We Live Our Values

Values driven – translating your core values into consistent business strategies

Agile – responding flexibly to the market disruptions and “on demand” to your needs and challenges

Dedicated – committing our senior experts (not junior staff) to delivering strategies for sustainable outcomes

Client intimate – building long-term relationships with your team; acting as trusted advisers and coaches

Transformative – collaborating with your team at every stage to design and implement your roadmap for digital transformation

Actionable – supporting your team to communicate and execute strategies that deliver benefits to all stakeholders


Institute for Transformative Leadership (Lynchburg, VA USA)
Kotler Marketing Group (China)
Broadband Solutions Group (Washington D.C., U.S.A.)
Global Transformation Corps Legacy International (Washington D.C., Morocco)
ELITE Leadership Center (European Union)
InfoDom (Croatia)
MAD Talks (United Arab Emirates)
Health Promoters (Netherlands, South Africa)

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